01. Quick start

This quickstart guide will walk you through the installation steps of the Syncano javascript library.

If you don't have a Syncano account yet, you can read about how to create one here.


We offer a few ways of installing the library - npm, bower, a GitHub repository or through our CDN.


Install the npm module using:

npm install syncano --save


Install the bower module using:

bower install syncano


Download the latest release here or browse the library.


The library is available on our official CDN:


Including the library in your project

Script tag

To use the library on the client side, include it via a script tag in your HTML document:

<script src="path/to/bower_components/syncano/dist/syncano.min.js"></script>


The library can be used as CommonJS module via require:

var Syncano = require('syncano');

ES6 modules

You can also use the library via import:

import Syncano from 'syncano';

Making connections

Connecting to our services is as easy as instantiating the main object.

import Syncano from 'syncano';

var connection = Syncano();

You can configure your connection by passing a configuration object to the main Syncano object:

var connection = Syncano({ accountKey: '123' });

The main object also provides setters for the parameters:

var connection = Syncano().setAccountKey('123');

For a full list of the main object's properties, please refer to it's documentation.

Interacting with the API

The library provides a set of models that reflect the objects available in our API. To see a list of available objects, head on to the FAQ.

There are two ways of accessing the models: by instatiating the model or by calling the static please() method that returns a QuerySet.

With a model instance, you can save, update and delete objects:

connection.Instance({ name: 'myInstance', description: 'This is my instance'}).save();

With a QuerySet object returned from the please() method, you can perform additional operations like listing objects:


Queries and Promises

The library uses Promises for hadling the results of operations on the API. They help you write more readable and maintainable code while interacting with our services.

To get the result of a successful query, use the then() method:

connection.Instance.please().get({ name: 'myInstance' }).then(function(result, raw) {
  // manipulate the result

Please note that the callback function can accept an additional parameter (raw) that contains an array

To catch errors returned from the API, use the catch() method:

connection.Instance({ name: 'myInstance', description: 'This is my instance'}).save().catch(function(error) {
  // handle the error

This pattern also provides you with an elegant way of chaining operations:

// create an instance
connection.Instance({ name: 'myInstance', description: 'This is my instance'}).save().then(function(instance) {
  // update the instance's description
  instance.description = 'This is a new description.';
  return instance.save();
.then(function(instance) {
  // the instance was updated

For a list of available query methods, check the QuerySet documentation.

Nested models

The javascript library is designed so that it reflects the platfom's structure, therefore some of the models have child models. For example, an Instance has mutliple Classes. If we would like to list the Classes belonging to an Instance we can do something like this:

connection.Instance({name: 'silent-dawn-3609'}).classes().list().then(function(classes) {
  // classes list

Default properies

You can specify default properies for all api calls. To do this, just pass an additional defaults object to the main Syncano object:

var connection = Syncano({ accountKey: '123', defaults: { instanceName: 'my-instance' });

There is also a method for setting just a default instance name:


If you want to unset the default instance name, just pass null to the setInstanceName() method.

You should aslo note that any new properies passed to model instances and methods like list() will overwrite the default properies.